Why ONYXbeauty
It was about 2:30 a.m. I was sleepy and a little tipsy after a fun night out with my girls. I put the key in the lock, turned the ignition and got ready to put the car in drive when I noticed the red BRAKE light. I stalled, and waited about 5 seconds; usually the lights pop on then pop off. This time it didn't. I checked the emergency brake handle, yep I it was all the way down. What was wrong?
I thought to myself “let the car warm up and it will go away." However, the car didn’t need to be warmed up; the temp on an unusual May Chicago night was 75 degrees. So I put the car in drive and drove home. During my 15-minute drive, I was so nervous. Worried about what was wrong and how much new brakes would cost? When I arrived home, I ran to bookshelf to find my owners manual and look up what the brake light meant in layman’s terms.
The book specifically said the car may need brake fluid and or the brakes are faulty and need repair. Translation—GET TO A SERVICE MECHANIC PRONTO.
I’m a typical woman; I don’t know all the ins and outs to my car. In fact I just realized after 7 years that I have a light in the trunk… But I do remember to change the oil, check fluids when I gas up, I listen for weird sounds, watch the signal lights and write in my planner the dates I should have my car serviced. Usually that is twice a year-- spring/summer tune-up and winter
So at least twice a year my car sees the car doctor, and goes through rigorous testing to make sure everything is working ey-okay. And in-between my car ( my car doesn't have a name) gets cleaned, oiled up and refereshed.
Okay, now on to the real issue: when was your last doctor appointment to check out that everything is working ey-okay? And for the ladies when was your last GYN appointment and finally the dreaded Dentist appointment?
During the last three years, I've spent more time at the auto mechanic than the doctor. Last year I spent many days in the dentist chair because prior to last year, I hadn’t been to the dentist in 5 years. What’s wrong with that? EVERYTHING! I take care of my car better than I take care of me.
I must admit I hate doctors and hospitals. I tend to go when I must, and usually a pain makes me jump up and run. But, like cars, we need to be serviced (physically, mentally, spiritually).
Our health is our greatest wealth. It’s a cliché cited all the time, but it’s true. Without health, what can we do, work for, dream in?This blog is a discussion about holistic health and living...About making you a priority....It’s about finding balance and peace with life, living healthy and just plain ole loving life. Holistic living is about balancing all the parts of your life. Yep physical health is a major part. But, spirituality, mental maturity, friendships, love, sex all contribute to our overall physical well-being.
Seeing a doctor is one part of the puzzle, but I mention it because it's a part of the puzzle that's usually missing and only found when necessary. I haven't been to the doctor, but I've had facials to keep my skin looking good, colonics to clean out, new shoes, clothes and new lipgloss to make me look stylish. All are an important part of my well-being, but as I write this I don't truly know what is going on inside of my body. Additionally, my desk is filled with un-opened bills, and un-read New York Times.
I believe that holistic health is a combination of balancing our mental, physical and spiritual lives to enjoy a peaceful loving existence. I've been negligent in some ares and strong in others. Overall, I've learned that life is more about the journey, rather than the destination. So I know striving to live holistically can sometimes be difficult, filled with questions, and doubts. For instance:
How is your affair with the gym? Or other workout activities. What’s on your grocery shopping list? When was the last time you had good sex that made you burn calories? What’s going on in your closet, is everything too small? How are your friendships? How is your relationship with God, the Creator, or higher power? And have your embraced a new lipstick color to go with the season or are you stuck with the same ole color?
ONYXbeauty is a blog for us to discuss, question, analyze and learn from each other about each of our holistic paths towards a life filled with love, peace, prosperity and happiness.
With you on your journey,
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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